4 Easy Steps How to Teach Dog Basic Commands? [ 7 Commands]

How to teach dog basic commands

If you thought about how to teach dog basic commands, So this article is for you. This training doesn’t take much time.

The basic commands are sit, down, stay, lay down, bark, come, leave it, and drop it. and practice it by establishing attention, choosing command words, giving commands, and rewarding correct actions.

So what are you waiting for here, this article provides step-by-step instructions on how to efficiently teach your four-legged friend these commands.

What are 7 Simple Commands to Teach Your Dog

First of all, we introduce the 7 commands which are used on a daily basis, and then we guide you through steps on how to teach dogs basic commands. The main basic 7 dog commands are given below which are essential for all dogs:

1. Sit

Sit command is the basics of all commands. When your dog knows “sit” then this is easy to teach more commands like stay, leave relax, and more complex commands. The ‘Sit’ command is used for keeping calm the dog, and for self-controlled purposes. Teaching your pup to sit on command can be done in 6 easy tips, which are outlined below:

  • First, get your dog’s attention, and make the bond between you and your dog. Then calling the dog by his name like “Alex Sit” or making some noise or using treats for their attention. 
  • Second, move your hand with a treat held up in it just above your head and slowly move it back toward the dog’s tail until your dog sit down.
  • Third, give them the treat when they’re seated and say “sit” or another verbal cue of your choice for the action.
  • Fourth, repeat these steps several times until you’re sure your puppy has mastered sitting on command.
  • Fifth, try the same exercise but this time do it with your puppy s back to you when they have mastered the sit command.
  • And sixth, work on getting their attention before giving them the treat and slowly moving your hand back towards their tail as described in step two.

2. Stay:

The “Stay” command need when a dog is in the sit position, and you want he is in stay sitting. This command can help you to play and walk with your dog.

The basic purpose of the ‘Stay’ command is to introduce patience in the dog when you should give him food, he runs toward the food. So this command helps to stay in one place.

Making a consistent routine helps immensely when teaching basic commands. Start by giving verbal cues and rewarding them when they do what you want them to do. But give a small number of treats during training.

3. Lay down

The ‘lay down’ command is very attractive and wonderful when a dog acts this in front of any guest or other person. When a dog lay down they look like a running person after starting his running.

Teaching this particular command can be especially helpful when in situations such as holidays, when there may be extra company or distractions around that could cause the dog to become overexcited.

Here are some tips on how you can teach your dog to this basic command.

  • First, it’s important that you have treats handy as rewards for good behavior during training sessions.
  • Start off by having your pup in a standing position then hold one of their favorite treats close to the floor, and also call the command with his name like “Tommy Down”.
  • Allowing them to sniff it while encouraging them with cue and verbal commands like “down” or “lay down” until they lay flat on their stomach, and look like rockets in a flying mood.
  • Trying this activity 15 times at least after he mastered this skill.

4. Speak/Bark

Baking is also a command. It is used when a thief enters in home and the dog barks to alert his owner and barks toward the thief. Barking is two types:

  • One is friendly bark to welcome guests or visitors into the home.
  • The second is a warning bark when any thief enters the house or any other reason o bark for protection.
  • And third is used for communication, the example you call your dog’s name, and he barks and runs toward you.

5. Come

The command “Come” is one of the most important ones and is helpful when no leash on the dog’s neck during walk time.

If you lose the leash dog runs away in the street or road, which is harmful or an accident for the dog then this “Come” command helps us to protect the dog from outside danger. that every pup should learn first. 

Teach the dog the basic command ‘Come’ with a few tips:

  • Leash and harness are necessary for teaching the ‘Come’ command.
  • During the walk pull the leash slowly and call the command ‘Come’.
  • Give some reward for this behavior, with the passage of time, he learns easily this command.

6. Leave It:

The ‘leave it’ command is used when your dog smells the ground and bites any other irrelevant thing like a wood piece, ball, book, etc. Then use the command “leave it, Tommy”. 

This command is used for many purposes like the dog is frustrated and bites any bird or person so this command is very helpful to save the bird.

You should teach this command by following tips:

  • Firstly,  you choose two treat.
  • One treat should expose in front of the dog and one treat should hide in your backhand.
  • Give one treat and call to leave it and wait until he leaves those treats to give a hidden treat in the form of a reward.

7. Drop It

The ” Drop it” command is complex. It is used to save household items. Big Dogs are mature and know the command but sometimes puppies go and fetch some utensils or household things then this command is very effective.

Here are some tips on how to train dogs‘ basic command “Drop it”.

  • Take two same types of toys or treats.
  • Firstly, give one toy to your dog.
  • Call the command “Drop it”, and shows the other toy.
  • Give a reward to your dog when he drops his first toy. 

4 Steps How to Teach Dog Basic Commands

If you learn how to teach a dog basic commands, then first of all you learn the steps to engage your dog with you.

Steps to train dog basic commands

1. Establish Attention

Attention should be established by building a strong bond between owner and pup. Temporary attention can make by eye at a sudden time. 

Attention is essential for safety, and easier to train a dog’s basic commands. In teaching your dog basic commands, establish attention. Daily play with your dog and go for a walk to spend some time with your dog. 

Make friendly relationships with your dog. In every training, attention is a must part to perform first. 

2. Choose the Command Word

The second step, after establishing attention is to choose one command word and pronounce it. At the start choose only one command, Command is also their name or another command like sit, stay, or down, etc. 

  • All the things are learned step by step and go from small to large. Like in the snowball effect, One small stone moves from the mountain to down, and with the passage of time, its size is going large, because the ice makes a layer on it. 

So choose some simple command words and start practicing on this. 

3. Give the Command

In the above step, you choose a command but in this step, you should need to give the command. Command words are an important part of teaching your dog obedience. The command word should be clear.

In this, step we give the command to the dog. The command should give by cue, verbal phrases, calling his name with command, attention, treats, rewards, etc. 

Firstly, give a simple command like sit, stay. When dogs learn this simple command then this is easy to give a complex command. Show the treat or toy in front of the dog’s nose and call the command, Dog performs the command because of the lure. 

4. Reward On Correct Action

After teaching a dog to give a command.  When they perform corrective action on command, then give them a reward.

The reward is in the form of a treat mostly but toys, and walking are also rewards. Positive reward makes motivate the dog to perform an action, and this is saved in their memory.

With reward-based training, your pup easily and fastly learns the command. It can help you teach your dog in the future because of reward. Pups enjoy reward-based training.

Some Training Tips to Teach Your Dog Basic Commands

Some training tips



Praise can give motivation and build strong between you and your pup. Praise should overcome the angry behavior of the dog.

  • Firstly, start with positive reinforcement during the process of teaching your dog basic commands.
  • When they have learned and followed the command successfully, then give them verbal praise or treats.
  • Giving rewards or treats is a key to learning quickly and easily. 


Repetition is the most powerful tool we can use when teaching our dog basic commands. This is necessary to repeat the same instructions over and over again time, which can understand your dog to what you are communicating to teach.

For example:

If you want your dog to sit, say “sit” in a clear and firm voice, then move their hind legs back into position and provide them with a treat or pet as a reward. Repeat this process each time until they have learned it correctly.


Maintaining consistency is an essential part of teaching a dog basic commands. Learning anything new takes practice and repetition. Regularly repeating commands will help create good habits and ensure that the lessons are learned more quickly.

The key to successful training is setting aside regular time for instruction and making sure that you stick to a routine whenever possible. This allows your pup to become familiar with the commands, as well as how they should be executed.

Consistency makes your dog alert and passionate. When to train your dog with consistency, your dog wants to learn more and stay healthy.

What Challenges Face In Training Dog Basic Commands?

Some Challenges which are faced during training your dog basic commands which are given below:


The emotion of fear can be a powerful motivator for dogs and their owners alike. Fear is an emotion that tells a pup when something is dangerous, and it can help our dog protect himself from harm.

For pet owners, teaching your dog basic commands can help control unpredictable behavior while also alleviating anxiety-inducing situations. Dogs feel fear or afraid of their first attempt at any learning. 


Built trust between you and your pup through communication which decreases the chances of fear in many situations.

Communicate with certain signals or verbal phrases and commands, that give them the ability to understand expectations and feel safe in any environment.


When teaching your dog basic commands, overstimulation can become a problem. Building a bond between you and your pup can help you to relax your pup but too much overstimulation makes it difficult to maintain his focus.

It’s important to find the right balance of instruction, playtime, and rest so that your pup can retain information effectively.


The key is keeping things simple and consistent. It’s wrong that all command gives to your dog very quickly. Start slow, firstly give one command, repeat it, and be consistent. Many commands at the same time cause confusion and anxiety in your dog. 

Reward them with treats after successful repetitions so they know what you expect of them and can have positive reinforcement with the right phrase when they learn correctly. Gradually introduce more commands as they get better at understanding each one.


Distraction is another challenge faced by your dog. This is caused when your pup’s focus should be disrupted. Your dog will learn commands when you give him a relaxed mind and provide a peaceful environment.

When you teach your dog basic commands, they focus on their learning, and the area, where you train him, is near to the road or people gathering place, the dog defuses their focus onto the commands and should be distracted.


To overcome the distraction, start with an empty and peaceful area, where your dog only concentrates on you. Make your training, choose one place of training which help make a bond between you, your pup, and the training academy or place.


In the end, I hope you learn how to teach dog basic commands. The seven commands to train your dog makes sure that your dog is safe and secure.

Firstly build a bond between you and your dog which establishes attention then choose a simple command, and give the command to your dog with consistency and repetition.

Dogs hear a single command many times, so they act on the command, then give rewards to complete their work successfully.

With patience, practice, and repetition, you can easily teach your dog the seven basic dog commands: sit, stay, come, down, off, leave it, and heel. Hope you learn and enjoy this article. Thanks for reading.

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